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Listings houses for sale, Gorizia

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Real Estate Listings

Cod. 28843

For sale House, Slovenia, Primorska, Gorizia, Šempas 58

For sale

3000 m²
The house is located in the Vipava Valley, which lies in the west of Slovenia, in transition from central Slovenia to the Friuli plain. From the headw...
Cod. 25867

For sale Development Property, Slovenia, Primorska, Gorizia, Črniče Zona industriale

For sale
Development Property

1630 m²
Sale building land in the industrial zone Črniče suitable for construction of commercial-residential building. The soil is hardened, the size and '1,6...
Cod. 5844

For sale Villa, Slovenia, Primorska, Gorizia, ulica 9.septembra 171

For sale

425 m²
Hisa Samostojna koncu na ulice, mirna lokacija, dve bivalni enoti, parkirisce, vrt, bazén, vsa v infrastruktura blizini, 2 km od avtoceste, blizu Gori...
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